Figures and tables

Figures and tables sometimes require special consideration. Tables in SIAM style should be in eight point size, and written so that they do not extend beyond the text margins. Use \footnotesize in the body of the table to get eight point type.

SIAM style requires that no figures or tables appear in the references section of the paper. LATEX is notorious for making figure placement difficult, so it is important to pay particular attention to figure placement near the references in the text. All figures and tables should be referred to in the text.

SIAM supports the use of psfig for including POSTSCRIPT figures. All POSTSCRIPT figures to be included should be sent in separate files. See the psfig documentation for more details on the use of this style option. It is a good idea to submit hardcopy of all POSTSCRIPT figures just in case there is difficulty in reproducing the figures.

Hardcopy for non-POSTSCRIPT figures should be included in the submission of the hardcopy of the manuscript. Space should be left in the {figure} command for the hardcopy to be inserted in production.